Why subscribe?

“It’s your world. Those three words are now so ingrained in me, I might as well get them tattooed across my forehead.” –My journal entry of 2019 (update, I did actually get a tattoo of them… but not on my forehead.)

Those words are a reminder that we face choices every day. That we might not be able to control all of our circumstances but we always have the power to control how we respond. They are a reminder to live with the spirit that the world is ours to mold, to shape, to change, to design. Even when things seem out of our control, we can make small choices every day that remind us, it’s our word.

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Spreading kindness and light,

- Maria

Subscribe to It's Your World | Maria Vargas

It’s the experiences we go through and people we meet along the way, who awaken new dreams within us. These are some of those stories.


Curious thinker, writer, and adventure seeker magnifying ideas so that each of us can feel better, do better, and live better in our own ways. It's your world.